FRUSTRATION! I'm sure everyone can relate to a time where you are trying to get something done and it just isn't going the way it should! If it is putting together a last minute present Christmas night (parents I'm screaming to you!) or trying to make a website work, that frustration can just make you want to SCREAM!!! It seems as if you are so close, you can see the end in sight but you just can't quite reach it! How aggravating! But you know what, when I sit down and think about it I realize that is exactly how life goes many times.
We have a goal, a destination, or an event in mind that we think about, plan, and dream about sometimes for years. All the while life is going on around us, ticking by one day at a time. We strive hard for those days, events, goals of life and often feel the frustration when it is not quite working out!
I once heard a story of some environmental workers who decided that they would "help" little defenseless baby turtles. The way the story went every year cute adorable baby turtles walk from their nest to the waves but this walk is fought with danger. Mean and not as cute birds and crabs gobble down the cute turtles by the hundreds. The environmentalists thought that they could help the adorable endangered turtles survive if only they removed this struggle.
We have a goal, a destination, or an event in mind that we think about, plan, and dream about sometimes for years. All the while life is going on around us, ticking by one day at a time. We strive hard for those days, events, goals of life and often feel the frustration when it is not quite working out!
Life seems to crash around us when we can't get it just right.

One problem, they didn't know that it was the struggle, the long walk TOWARD their goal was important! Baby turtles as it turns out memorize something about the beach and location during their crawl and in 7 years, when they are ready to nest they will come back to the exact same location. When the helpful hands took away the struggle the turtles never returned and they may never mate or reproduce at all!
It was the struggle that made the goal worth achieving!
Next time you are in the middle of a struggle, or frustrated about the last steps toward a goal, remember the little sea turtle! Maybe in the end it will be the struggle not the goal that carries the reward!
It was the struggle that made the goal worth achieving!
Next time you are in the middle of a struggle, or frustrated about the last steps toward a goal, remember the little sea turtle! Maybe in the end it will be the struggle not the goal that carries the reward!
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