This blob doesn’t just sit there, it’s an active guy in there! He usually comes with some very strong messages that somehow speak directly into your heart. Yes it is a talking blob, you’ve seen some science fiction movies work with me here… It is this blob that often keep us out of relationships. When we come to our friends, our spouses, or our parents it is the shame and guilt of this blob that keeps us from the intimate relationship that we so often desire. The blob says “your no good” “your phony” and even “If they only knew about me, they would reject me”. In many people’s lives the blob can get rather noisy. We even protect this blob, people start getting too close uncovering it and WHAM we are out of there before they see THE BLOB in our lives.
This blob also can keep us out of relationship with God. We know God is there, tugging at our hearts, leading us down a path that could change everything, but those same messages get that blob in our hearts screaming! “If everyone knew about ME, they would toss you out of here!” and even “God won’t accept you! Not with me around!”. If you are anything like me those message get me thinking something like this. “Ok God I know you want me to live for you , but I have this blob here. So what I’ll do is go do some spring cleaning on this blob, then I’ll come back and we can talk.” Then I’d leave making promises to myself about being better and getting this blog under control. Then the next time I’d be back again saying the same thing, only the Blob has grown and gotten uglier!! The BLOB never seems to get cleaned up on its own. Try as I might, I just can’t clean away that blob!
This morning I was listening to one of my favorite songs “Oh How He Loves Us” by David Crowder Band
"We are drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes, if grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking”
What does that mean? Well let me try to translate. Redemption is a big word, but it could be easily translated “BLOB killing” it just doesn’t have the same ring to it for musical purposes. Grace is another one of those big tough to get a hold of terms, But let me put it this way. Grace is God knowing all about every inch of that Blob and completely loving you anyway.
Luck for all of us walking around with Blobs, that God’s grace is an ocean and we are all sinking in it. He doesn’t care about our Blobs, he doesn’t want us to clean up our blob’s first, he only wants US!
Next time you hear your blob talking to you, take a moment and think about looking into the EYES of God feeling that redemption and being washed in an ocean of grace. See if that quiets down that Blob and if you are able to enter into relationship in a different authentic way! Now that is true Blob killing!
(originally published 1/12/10)
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